
How Effective is Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery?

If your back pain hasn’t resolved after more conservative treatment, spinal surgery can be a way to get your life back and return to the activities you love. Through minimally invasive spine surgery, our orthopedic surgeons in Raleigh are able to provide effective treatment that has several advantages over the traditional, “open” procedure. 

We’ll examine the benefits and effectiveness of this spine surgery, what it is used to treat, and how to determine if you may be a candidate.  Continue reading “How Effective is Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery?”

Having Total Knee Replacement Surgery? 5 Tips for You

Total knee replacement surgery is one of the most successful surgeries in medical history.

While this procedure used to be exclusively performed on older adults with arthritic joint deterioration, we’re also seeing total knee replacement surgeries in younger patients.

But what does that ultimately mean?

It means that the vast majority of those 800,000 have been able to regain their mobility without the agonizing pain they had before.

Each of those surgeries represents a grandfather now able to play with his children, an athlete being able to return to the basketball court, or someone who can move more comfortably.

Are you having joint replacement surgery? We have 5 useful tips to help you.


What Causes Morton’s Neuroma? What Every Runner Needs to Know

If you’re an avid runner, you may be concentrating on beating your best time when you run around the track. Even if you’re a casual jogger, you can appreciate the sense of satisfaction and “feel good” endorphins you get from a lap around the neighborhood.But have you heard of Morton’s neuroma, a disease that can affect your running? We’ll take a closer look at what causes Morton’s neuroma. 

For example, it’s important to take care of your feet by selecting the right running shoes. 

We’ll take a closer look at what this disease is, its symptoms, what causes Morton’s neuroma, and how our board-certified orthopedic physicians in Raleigh can help you get back in motion. 



Do you wake up every night, shaking your hands out to make them stop hurting? Are you dropping things? Does pain or shooting electricity interrupt some of your favorite activities? Dr. Johnny Nelson is hosting a free educational open house and scanning event at The Bone & Joint Surgery Clinic on Tuesday, September 13th at 6PM. Read More.

What Happens During An Ultrasound-Guided Injection?

Joint pain can be unrelenting.

It transforms your entire life. Everyday activities that you may have taken for granted have now become the source of discomfort and even agony. You can no longer participate in your favorite sports. Instead, you have to take a seat on the bench instead of running on the field.

Don’t worry:  There is hope. Through carefully placed ultrasound guided medication injections, we can provide the relief that you need to help you get back to your normal routine.


How To Fully Recover From an Achilles Tendon Injury

Your tennis game was going well—your serving was at its best, and you were easily returning balls from the baseline.

But then you heard a pop, and a searing pain—like you’ve been kicked in the calf—overwhelmed you.

This is a situation where you could have sustained an Achilles tendon tear. This injury requires immediate medical attention.


How Long Does It Take for an Ankle Fracture Recovery?

The length of time it takes an ankle fracture recovery depends upon several factors, including the extent of the break and whether or not it required surgery. Complicated fractures require additional recovery and healing time.


8 Advantages of Arthroscopic Knee Surgery and Recovery

Did your last tennis game leave you with an extensive shoulder injury? Maybe you’ve torn your rotator cuff or injured your knee on the basketball court. You want to get back into the game as soon as possible. 

For many injuries, arthroscopic surgery is a viable treatment option that is minimally invasive and highly effective. 

At Raleigh Bone and Joint Surgery Clinic, we’re proud to offer the latest, state-of-the-art arthroscopic surgical treatment to help us treat and diagnose problems within your joints. It also produces successful outcomes, especially for arthroscopic knee surgery and recovery. 

Not sure what to expect after arthroscopic knee surgery? We’ve got the answers you need as well as 8 distinct advantages of utilizing this minimally invasive surgical technique.


How You Can Avoid These Most Common Sports Injuries

When you think about orthopedics, you most likely envision physicians who help you rehabilitate from accidents that can frequently occur from participating in sports. But did you know that our Raleigh orthopedic doctors and surgeons also strive to help you prevent sports injuries?

To help you, we’ve compiled this useful, compact guide about the most common sports injuries and prevention for them.



Can Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Be Cured?

The tingling and numbness associated with carpal tunnel syndrome can make it difficult to even hold a steering wheel. Often, those with this disorder complain about wrist pain so severe that it wakes them from sleep.

But can carpal tunnel syndrome be cured?

The good news is that yes, this syndrome can be cured with our advanced and minimally invasive treatments that can help you regain your functionality. By working closely with one of our hand doctors, we can help eliminate the pain that is making everyday activities difficult.
